Home » The Sims 4 Blue Bloods Reagans House

The Sims 4 Blue Bloods Reagans House

by Jessica P
The Sims 4 Blue Bloods Reagans House

The Sims 4 Blue Bloods Reagans House

Das Haus von Frank Reagan aus der Serie Blue Bloods – Crime Scene New York mit den von Sims 4 zu Verfügung stehenden Bauobtionen. Habe mich soweit wie Möglich an die Orginal Drehorte gehalten. Das orginal Haus wurde für die Filmaufnahmen etwas umgestaltet. Ich habe versucht soweit wie Möglich die Innenräume die in der Serie zu sehen sind im orginal Haus einzufügen.

Frank Reagan’s house from the series Blue Bloods – Crime Scene New York with the building options available from Sims 4. I kept to the original locations as much as possible. The original house was redesigned for the filming. I have tried as much as possible to include the interiors seen in the series in the original house.

  • Custom Content This is the addition of player-made clothing or objects to the game. Sometimes just referred to in The Sims community as “CC”.
  • Game Mods: These are Mods that add features or change functionality of the game. These Mods may include script code, but not always.
  • Mods: A blanket term referring to any player-made content for the game—this includes both Custom Content and Game Mods.
  • Enable Mods via the options panel : The setting can be found in “Options > Other > Enable Custom Content and Mods.” and Restart the game

Credit : MarcusMV01