Vampire Cheats

The sims 4 Vampire Power Points
Change your Sim into a Vampire, give them free Power Points, Unlock Powers and max out Skills.
Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true first before entering the cheats below. Vampire Cheats
Turn Sim into a Vampire / Cure Vampire
Cheat Code | Result |
stats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160 | Change your Sim into a Vampire in a few days (natural transition) |
traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire | Turn your Sim into a Vampire immediately |
traits.remove_trait trait_OccultVampire | Turn a Vampire back into a normal Sim |
Vampire – Powers, Rank, Power Points
Increase Vampire Rank
Cheat Code | Result |
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 202 | Become a Minor Vampire |
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 630 | Become a Prime Vampire |
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1058 | Become a Master Vampire |
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1486 | Become a Grand Master Vampire |
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593 | Max the rank bar |
Cheat Code | Result |
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593 | This will max your vampires rank and give you 2 power points. |
Vampire Trait Cheats
Cheat Code | Result |
traits.equip_trait RegainedHumanity | Regained Humanity Vampires with Regained Humanity seem kinder and safer. Sims are more likely give permission to Drink. |
traits.equip_trait TheMaster | I am the Master I am the Master grants supernatural control. Command Powers used on Vampires Offspring always succeed. |
traits.equip_trait TrueMaster | A True Master A True Master not only excels at Mind Control Powers, they also have greater stores of Vampires Energy to call upon. |
Unlock Vampire Powers
This cheat can be used two ways. You can do “bucks.unlock_perk {perkname} true” but it will not show up properly in your powers panel.
The correct way requires you to use the full command, including getting your Sim’s ID using the sims.get_sim_id_by_name cheat.
There are some constraints, for example if you have a sun weakness equipped, adding a sun resistance will not work.
- The vampire rank required for the reward must be unlocked first.
- 40961 tells the game it’s a Vampire Power Perk.
- {targetsim} is the Sim ID of the sim you’d like to unlock the perk for.
Cheat Code | Result |
bucks.unlock_perk DetectPersonality true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Detect Personality |
bucks.unlock_perk BatForm true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Bat Form |
bucks.unlock_perk Hallucinate true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Cast Hallucination |
bucks.unlock_perk AlwaysWelcome true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Eternally Welcome |
bucks.unlock_perk PotentPower_3 true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Occult Student/Occult Disciple/Occult Master |
bucks.unlock_perk AlluringVisage_3 true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Vampiric Charm/Vampiric Allure/Vampiric Fascination |
bucks.unlock_perk VampiricStrength_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Vampiric Strength/Vampiric Brawn/Vampiric Might |
bucks.unlock_perk Command true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Command |
bucks.unlock_perk GarlicImmunity true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Garlic Immunity |
bucks.unlock_perk VampireCreation true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Vampire Creation |
bucks.unlock_perk Mesmerize true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Mesmerize |
bucks.unlock_perk NocturnalAffinity_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Child Of The Moon/Creature of the Night/Master of Darkness |
bucks.unlock_perk IrresistibleSlumber true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Irresistible Slumber |
bucks.unlock_perk ManipulateLifeSpirit true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Manipulate Life Spirit |
bucks.unlock_perk VampiricSlumber_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Vampiric Slumber/Greater Vampiric Slumber/Vampiric Trance |
bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalDampening_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Dampened Emotions/Suppressed Emotions/Deadened Emotions |
bucks.unlock_perk VampireRun true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Supernatural Speed |
bucks.unlock_perk NeedsNaughtiness true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Deprive Needs |
bucks.unlock_perk ResistanceSolis_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Sun Resistance/Greater Sun Resistance/Perfect Sun Resistance |
bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Hygiene true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Odorless |
bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalBurst_3 true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Influence Emotion/Alter Emotion/Control Emotion |
bucks.unlock_perk MistForm true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Mist Form |
bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Social true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Beyond The Herd |
bucks.unlock_perk TameTheThirst true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Tamed Thirst |
bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Fun true 40961 {targetsim} | Power: Immortal Pleasures |

Reset Vampire Powers
This requires a Sim ID, you can use the sims.get_sim_id_by_name {Firstname} {Lastname} cheat to get your Sim ID from your Sims. {simID} is the ID of the sim you want to reset. Vampire
Cheat Code | Result |
bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40962 {simID} false | Remove weaknesses but keep the rest of your Vampire Powers. |
bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40961 {simID} true | Refund vampire power points and reset the power board. |
How to Make a Sim a Vampire
stats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160 will begin the natural conversion process, while traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire will make them a vampire immediately. To remove the vampire trait and revert a Sim, use traits.remove_trait trait_OccultVampire. Vampires
How to Unlock Vampire Perks
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593 will max out your Vampire Rank and give you 2 Power Points each time you enter the code. Copy it from here and use control+V after opening the cheats panel in-game to paste it repeatedly. You can find more specific vampire cheats on TwistedMexi’s wiki. He discovered these and gave me permission to share some of them