The Sims 4 Ocean Buoy – Diving & Snorkeling
For some more info and example scenes, please click this Youtube Video Link:
Bakies The Sims 4 Custom Content: Ocean Buoy – Diving & Snorkeling (it’s only 4:46 minutes long)
==========These files have been UPDATED on 27-03-2022 with the following things:
– It can now be found in the Pond VFX section in build mode.
– Object’s title has been updated with an invisible ‘Bakie’ Search-tag in the title.
• Diving Buoy object can now also be found by typing Buoy, Diving, Snorkling or Ocean into the search bar.
– Object’s description has been updated to new format.
– Object Thumbnail has been updated with image and text adjustments.
– Object Thumbnail has been updated with a blue (water) background color. This makes it more clear in the Pond VFX section that this object needs to be placed on water.
– Prices have been changed for better placement in the Pond VFX section.
– This update does NOT make these objects to be placeable on pond water surfaces. Whenever this is possible with Studio, I will add this too.
– Placeable on slopes, which makes it easier to place it above uneven ocean floors.
– Placeable through other objects, which makes them placeable above or in between (water) plants for example, without using cheats.
– It’s now also placeable on fountains and shallow ocean water surfaces (as decoration, as you can’t use the interactions there).
Please RE-DOWNLOAD and delete the old file!
Ocean Buoy – Diving & Snorkeling
My first Island Living mod makes it possible to let your Sims go Diving and Snorkeling on their own lots too.
This means both in the ocean from the beach lots in Sulani as in swimming pools on lots outside of Sulani.
Normally the snorkeling can only be done near green buoys and diving near red buyos in the ocean. My version has a blue top and makes it able to do both.
Another thing I’ve changed are the prices of the diving gear which are buyable on this object too. For all prices I deleted the last zero, so the new prices of the gear are now:
– Dive Knife: 25 Simoleons
– Rebreather: 75 Simoleons
– Spearfishing Gun: 50 Simoleons
– Treasure tool: 120 Simoleons
– Underwater Camera: 100 Simoleons
Object information:
This mod requires the Island Living Expansion Pack
It’s a standalone object, so it won’t override any other objects in game.
You can find it in Activity and Skills > Outdoor activities OR type Ocean Buoy into the search bar.
You can also find it in Build mode > Pond VFX
You can recognize it by my "BakieGaming" icon in the lower right corner of the thumbnail.
The cost are: 14 Simoleons
Game Requirements:
Requires the Island Living Expansion Pack
Game Version:
Tested with gameversion:
Custom Content visible on the Thumbnail
Animated – Placeable Fish – Sharks ????
Animated – Buoy + Waves Effects
Animated Buoy + Whale & Dolphin Effect
Animated Water Shimmering – Updated 7-7-’18
Animated – Placeable Birds – Seagulls – Updated 7-7-’18
Walk Through Grasses – Basegame + Jungle Adventure
Raisable Rocks – Cliffs
Unlocked + Recolored BaseGame Rocks
Unlocked Swamp Pack (6 Trees, 2 Trunks and 2 deco objects)
Unlocked Wooden Sailor Statue + Lifesaver
Lighthouse Red & White Wallpaper (YouTube Bonus if you watch the Lighthouse Light video)
Now go diving and snorkeling near your houses!
If you want to use it in screenshots or videos, be sure to give me some credit!
>> Want to share my mods? <<
Besides giving me credit and linking back to this page, I would appreciate it if you could add my video instead of (only) the thumbnail.
Additional Credits:
Thanks to the Sims 4 Studio
Thanks Adobe for making Photoshop
- Custom Content This is the addition of player-made clothing or objects to the game. Sometimes just referred to in The Sims community as “CC”.
- Game Mods: These are Mods that add features or change functionality of the game. These Mods may include script code, but not always.
- Mods: A blanket term referring to any player-made content for the game—this includes both Custom Content and Game Mods.
- Enable Mods via the options panel : The setting can be found in “Options > Other > Enable Custom Content and Mods.” and Restart the game
Credit : Bakie