Mermaid Cheats

Requires The Sims 4 Island Living. Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + C. Input the cheat codes into the text input field that appears at the top of the screen. Input the cheat code testingcheats true.
Cheat Code | Result |
traits.equip_trait trait_OccultMermaid | Change your Sim into a Mermaid/Merman |
traits.remove_trait trait_OccultMermaid | Change your Mermaid/Merman Sim back into a normal Sim |
Island Living Cheats – Mermaid
Ahead of the launch of The Sims 4 Island Living, I published Cheats for Mermaids, Conservationists and Traits in Island Living. This guide will serve to put it all in one place while others are listed elsewhere on the site in their proper categories, as it should be. This pack also added Part Time Jobs, and while they used to be Teen-only you can now take them on as a Young Adult through Elder. Cheating them is pretty easy, they have the prefix PartTime_ so you’d type careers.promote PartTime_Lifeguard to promote your Sim in the Lifeguard job. The Sims 4 Mermaid Cheats
Conservationist Career Cheats
Conservationist is one of the easiest to find – do the above and type Careers.Promote Conservationist. Midway through the career, you’ll decide whether you want to be a Marine Biologist or Environmental Manager.
Control The Island’s Appearance (Conservation)
You may be aware there is a quest of sorts to Clean Up The Island, and naturally there are cheats for that. However, you’ll require TwistedMexi’s AllCheats mod which can be found here. The cheat to control the stage of the quest requires testingcheats on.
To change the stage, type one of the following:
Narrative.Start_Narrative Narrative_IslandConservation_Stage_Starting
Narrative.Start_Narrative Narrative_IslandConservation_Stage_Intermediate
Narrative.Start_Narrative Narrative_IslandConservation_Stage_Final
You can trigger volcanic activity by typing, Volcanic_Eruption Small or Volcanic_Eruption Large. These eruptions may spew lava rocks, which can set your Sim( or mermaid ) on fire if touched before they cool. Once they cool, they can be told to be a decorative item, or you can break them open for collectibles.
Island Living Trait Cheats
There are a total of four traits I felt needed to be immediately listed, but others are under investigation. Use Traits.Equip_Trait TraitCode to add a trait to a Sim, or Traits.Remove_Trait TraitCode to remove a trait. Here are the trait codes and a little of what they do:
Trait_IslandAncestors – The new Child of the Islands Trait. These Sims can summon Elementals (special ghosts) who will deliver judgment upon them based on how well they take care of the island. They experience a deep personal connection to Sulani.
Trait_ChildofTheOcean – The new Child of the Ocean Trait. This one makes Sims prefer aquatic activities and gives them a happy moodlet while doing so. The sea give them peace.
Trait_NaturalSpeaker – This is the Natural Speaker reward trait for completing the Conservationist Career and selecting the Environmental Manager branch. This trait gives Sim an ability to enthuse and spread awareness of environmental causes, and finds more grant applications accepted in order to create environmental laws relating to the Island of Sulani.
Trait_FriendOfTheSea – This is the Master of the Sea Reward Trait for completing the Conservationist Career and selecting Marine Biologist instead. It gives you a bonus when building friendships with dolphins and Mermaids around Sulani. They also get a move speed boost when traveling the Oceans.