Reward Point Cheats
Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true first before entering the cheats below

Cheat Code | Result |
sims.give_satisfaction_points {number} | Gives an exact number of satisfaction points to your Sim |
Aspirations.complete_current_milestone | Completes current aspiration challenge and awards points |
Reward Store Traits
You can also cheat reward traits, exactly the same way. Equipping these will give you the bonuses just as if you had bought them with satisfaction points from the rewards store. Reward Point Cheats
- AlwaysWelcome
- Antiseptic
- Beguiling
- BurningMan – this is HeatProof from Seasons
- Carefree
- ColdAcclimation
- Connections
- CreativeVisionary
- Entrepreneurial
- Fertile
- ForeverFresh
- ForeverFull
- FreeServices
- Frugal
- GreatKisser
- GreatStoryteller
- GymRat
- HardlyHungry
- HeatAcclimation – from The Sims 4 Seasons
- IceMan – this is Iceproof from Seasons
- IncrediblyFriendly – from The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat
- Independent
- Marketable
- Memorable – this Trait was removed but is still in the game code
- Mentor
- MorningPerson – this is the Morning Sim Trait
- NeedsNoOne
- NeverWeary
- NightOwl
- Observant
- ProfessionalSlacker
- Savant
- SeldomSleepy
- Shameless
- SpeedCleaner
- SpeedReader
- SteelBladder
- StormChaser – from The Sims 4 Seasons
- StovesandGrillsMaster – from The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat
- SuperGreenThumb
- Waterproof – from The Sims 4 Seasons
The Sims 4 Cheats – Trait Cheats

Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true first before entering the cheats below.
Cheat Code | Result |
traits.equip_trait {TraitNameNoSpaces} | Equips a particular trait for your Sim |
traits.remove_trait {TraitNameNoSpaces} | Removes a particular trait from your Sim |
traits.clear_traits | Removes all traits from your Sim |
How to Cheat
In order to cheat traits, you must first bring up the console by pressing Control + Shift + C. Do it all in one fluid motion with your keyboard. Playstation and Xbox players can do this by pressing all four shoulder buttons simultaneously.
Once the console (a white box in the upper left corner) is open, you can now type in commands. Use traits.equip_trait TraitName to add a trait to your Sim, or traits.remove_trait TraitName to remove them. Note that if you have trouble getting one to work you can attempt to put trait_ before it, such as traits.equip_trait trait_DogLover.
I would type traits.equip_trait bookworm to get the Bookworm Trait. Included in the list are the bonus traits you get for selecting a category. Children do not get bonus traits, so none exist for their aspirations.
- Active
- Alluring
- Ambitious
- ArtLover
- Bookworm
- Bro
- Business_Savvy – for selecting a Fortune Aspiration
- CatLover –
- Cheerful
- Childish
- ChildofTheOcean – Child of the Ocean
- Clumsy
- Collector – for selecting a Nature Aspiration
- CommitmentIssues – this is the Noncommittal Trait
- Creative
- DanceMachine – from
- Dastardly – for selecting a Deviance Aspiration
- DogLover – from The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs Expansion
- EssenceOfFlavor – for selecting a Food Aspiration
- Evil
- FamilyOriented
- FamilySim – is Domestic for selecting a Family Aspiration
- Foodie
- Freegan –
- Geek
- Genius
- Gloomy
- Glutton
- Good
- Goofball
- GreenFiend – Eco Lifestyle
- Gregarious – for selecting a Popularity Aspiration
- HatesChildren
- High_Metabolism – for selecting an Athletic Aspiration
- HomeTurf – for selecting a Location Aspiration
- HotHeaded
- Insane – this is the Erratic Trait
- Insider – from The Sims 4 Get Together Expansion
- IslandAncestors – Child of the Islands
- Jealous
- Kleptomaniac
- Lazy
- Loner
- LovesOutdoors
- Maker – Eco Lifestyle
- Materialistic
- Mean
- Muser – for selecting a Creativity Aspiration
- MusicLover
- Neat
- Outgoing
- Paranoid
- Perfectionist
- Quick_Learner – for selecting a Knowledge Aspiration
- RecycleDisciple – Eco Lifestyle
- Romantic
- SelfAbsorbed
- SelfAssured
- Slob
- Snob
- Squeamish
- Unflirty
- Vegetarian – The Sims 4 City Living Expansion
- The Sims 4 Reward Point Cheats