Home » Sims 4 Moon Eyes Mermaids Vampires Edition

Sims 4 Moon Eyes Mermaids Vampires Edition

by Jessica P
Sims 4 Moon Eyes Mermaids Vampires Edition

Sims 4 Moon Eyes Mermaids Vampires Edition

vampire defaults: these come in two versions. ‘cateye’ has slit pupils and ‘round’ has the same pupils as the human version. the black eyes, blind eyes, and green eyes, only come in one version reflecting ea’s original swatches. both versions have no glow/emission. pick one file only. mermaid defaults: creative liberties were taken. different swatches were made more consistent between themselves. all swatches have bigger irises and pupils reflecting that mermaids should be deep sea creatures. the irises resemble the original swatches. blank speculars for all

  • Custom Content brings additional hair , clothing, stuff and other downloads to the game. Custom Content are popular among Sims 4 players. There is far more free content available to download than is included in the base game and all game packs combined.
  • Custom Content ( CC ) is dress, underwear, top and accessory that can be downloaded and added to your game. You can find everything from shoes, to clothing, earrings, and amazing make up.

Credit : landgraabbed