Home » Mod Conflict Detector CC checker

Mod Conflict Detector CC checker

by Jessica
Mod Conflict Detector | CC checker – Download 2021

Mod Conflict Detector

What is Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector?

The Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector is a powerful tool based on GUI which is used for detection & solving the mod conflicts found in this game. This program allows the gamers to remove the trouble-making Sims 4 mods, technically failing mods, empty mods, and so on. Mod Conflict Detector

Conflict Detector Features

  • Looks for similar name definition passed for 2 mods or more
  • Lists all the core name definitions that are overwritten by the mods
  • Finds any existing DLL in 2 mods or more
  • Identifies any possible incomplete or corrupt mods
  • Lists all the mods in order along with the disabled mods

How to Install the Conflict Detector?

  • Download this Detector for Sims 4 from “Mod the Sims”
  • Now extract the files in the downloaded zip folder
  • Choose your mods folder as the target location for extraction
  • Now upon completion of installation, launch the same.

How to use the Detector for any mods conflict?

Once you have downloaded, installed, and launched this detector for Sims 4, the rest is a very easy process. All you need to do is select the tab named scan on the tool. Now hit the option named directory. This will show you your entire mods folder. Now, select the folder you want to be scanned. After selecting the folder to be scanned, hit the scan button. This will scan your folder for presence of any conflicting or wrong mod file which can then be removed manually.
