Sims 4 Holiday Dessert – Cranberry Pecan Bree Scones by LB
Hey Simmers,
Here is a new dessert just in time for the holidays – a Cranberry Pecan Bree Scone.
-Requires My Food Enabler Mod (on this site)
-Requires My Custom Ingredients (on this site) – Can Of Cranberries, Wedge Of Bree, And Bag Of Pecans
-Requires Get To Work (like the original scones)
-Requires Baking Skill 5
-Can Be Found Under "Holiday Desserts" In The Pie Menu Of The "Food Enabler Mod" (My Mod On This Site)
Ingredients Required On This Site (Wedge Of Bree, Can Of Cranberries, Bag Of Pecans):…ents-by-lb.html
Mod Needed For Download (Food Enabler Mod):…nabler-mod.html
Thank you for downloading – hope you enjoy!
Description: Ingredients in this by me: -Whole Cranberries In Can -Bag Of Pecans -Bree (cheese) Thank you. Enjoy!
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
Recipe |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Cranberry Pecan Bree Scones by Laurenbell
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 658 | 604 |
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
Mesh information:
Mesh name:
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 302 | 302 |

- Custom Content This is the addition of player-made clothing or objects to the game. Sometimes just referred to in The Sims community as “CC”.
- Game Mods: These are Mods that add features or change functionality of the game. These Mods may include script code, but not always.
- Mods: A blanket term referring to any player-made content for the game—this includes both Custom Content and Game Mods.
- Enable Mods via the options panel : The setting can be found in “Options > Other > Enable Custom Content and Mods.” and Restart the game
Credit : Laurenbell2016